Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Places And People That Heal

Sometimes we come across people who are kind and gentle. They are in effect, living angels, coming at the right time, when you needed them the most. If you meet these people along the road of your life, the way to recognise them is this. They’re not looking to prove their point, they’re not looking to change your point of view, they’re looking to enhance you. They’re looking to make you feel better about yourself.

These people ask more questions about you than they are answering questions about themselves.

It’s almost as if they’re angels in disguise. There are places like that as well, places that are flooded with these people who are everywhere. Some people find them in places like Arizona, India and Northern Nepal or at the foothills of a mountain, they could be anywhere. Some people have even gone to Indonesian islands like Bali to find places that heal.

Wherever you find a healing place, you will also find that suddenly, without any apparent reason, that part of you that had been tense on the inside starts to melt and you start to feel a little sleepy. That’s the body’s first reaction in calming you down and beginning the process of healing, it makes you feel a little sleepy and allows you to finally do a little bit of

Sleep is body’s best natural antidote to the toxins generated by stressed muscles. In the presence of healing individuals, the sleepiness is also felt and then translated into a warm subconscious comfortableness with that individual. These people are rare, unique and they are hard to find. They do not often reveal themselves. When you find such a person, try not to hurt them and try not to let them go.

Around them, people make dramatic progress in life and in spirit. They leave you with little or no choice but to grow. Dead giveaways are ‘something’ in the resonance of their voice that is ‘attractive and calming’, children love them, their eyes seem to penetrate into your soul and they love to play and have fun.

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